Variations and other extravaganzas

Domenica 15 maggio 2022
ore 17.30
Presso la Chiesa di San Bartolomeo, Solomeo
Paolo Bougeat, organo
Jan Pietrzoon Sweelinck (1562 – 1621) Onder een linden groen

Johann Adam Reincken(1643-1722)Fuge G moll

Johann Bernhard Bach(1676/1749) Ciaccona in sol magg.

Paolo Bougeat(1963) Accordi (quasi) perfetti New York – Angelots II

Giovanni Benedetto Platti(1700-1763) Sonata IV in sol min. Op.1 “sur le goût italien” Largo –Presto e alla breve –Adagio –Non tanto Allegro

Franz Anton Hugl(1706-1745) Fuga in Sib maggiore

Niccolò Moretti(1764-1821) Sonata VI uso offertorio

Not just variations, but also some musical extravaganzas. The organ music skips from a rigorous series of variations by the ingenious Dutch organist Sweelinck to an articulate, intense fugue by the almost-centenarian Reincken, who was highly esteemed by Bach.

Then, after savoring the elegant flourishes of the sweet chaconne by Johann Bernhard Bach, cousin of the great Johann Sebastian, comes a series of three contemporary pieces, conceived for the enjoyment of new harmonies in just a few minutes of music.

The last part exemplifies the fine talents of three profoundly different musicians who shared the desire to delight the spirit. The sentimental sonata by Platti, in the harpsichord style, consisting of four movements, preannounces a beautiful fugue by a Bavarian composer little known to us: Franz Anton Hugl, who rightfully confirms the great German Baroque school of counterpoint and imitation.

The finale is a lively, brilliant, and operatic offering by our own Niccolò Moretti.

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