Romeo and Juliet

Friday, 27 October, 9:00 PM
Saturday, 28 October, 6:00 PM
at Teatro Cucinelli, Solomeo
by William Shakespeare, directed by Gigi Proietti

Italian translation and adaptation Angelo Dallagiacoma

assistant director Loredana Scaramella

with Nicola Adobati, Cristiano Arsì, Mimosa Campironi, Antonella Civale, Martino Duane, Matteo Esposito, Giacomo Faccini, Diego Facciotti, Luca Giacomini, Sebastian Gimelli Morosini, Massimiliano Giovanetti, Roberto Mantovani, Matteo Milani, Valeria Palma, Gianluca Passarelli, Loredana Piedimonte, Raffaele Proietti, Claudio Righini, Simone Ruggiero, Matteo Sangalli, Carolina Signore, Federico Tolardo, Matteo Vignati, Francesca Visicaro

costume design Maria Filippi

set design Alessandro Chiti, Fabiana Di Marco

stage management Alberto Bellandi

musical contributions Roberto Giglio

assistant to the director Francesca Visicaro

technical director Stefano Cianfichi

lighting design Umile Vainieri

sound design Daniele Patriarca

organization Alessandro Fioroni

production Politeama S.r.l.

A story of love, of passion, and of tragedy, masterfully told by Gigi Proietti, who, through his direction and creative genius, brings his own unique, thrilling interpretation to this epic love story.

“There’s a silver lining in the passage of time: one can look back, shift perspective, sometimes retrace one’s steps. In the case of a text, this revisiting gives us an opportunity to review and develop notions and thoughts left unexpressed, discarded in favor of others due to a lack of resonance, time, or courage. I cherished the first rendition of Romeo and Juliet, and I am quite fond of this new staging, akin yet distinct. I’ve always believed that the festivity at the Capulets’ was a sort of sliding door that, when crossed or avoided, leads to various stories. This was my starting point for deciding to set the first part in our present day. The audience will see themselves reflected in the story, in a play of mirrors narrating two realities, two centuries, two worlds. Thus, whereas in the first part everything is a whirlwind of energy and joy, the music then shifts, transporting us to another time and rejuvenating the myth. The story repeats, and the ritual of love and hatred unravels unsuccessfully, like an initiatory rite where the hero fails to pass the test.”

Gigi Proietti, presenting his latest version of Romeo and Juliet

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