
Friday, 1 December, 9:00 PM
at Teatro Cucinelli, Solomeo
by Erri De Luca

with Fanny Ardant and Carlo Brandt

music by Armand Amar

performed live by Levon Minassian

production Les Visiteurs du Soir

Solomeo’s Teatro Cucinelli once again welcomes an icon of European cinema, Fanny Ardant, starring alongside Carlo Brandt in this work by Erri De Luca.

Venturing into the mountains provides a taste of solitude, a chance to feel minuscule against nature’s grandeur. The unforeseen events one may encounter there are many, from a close encounter with a deer to navigating through a forest uprooted by the wind. On a steep trail through the Dolomites, a man falls into the abyss. Behind him, a second man raises the alarm. But they are not strangers. Comrades from the same revolutionary group four decades earlier, the first had turned the second and all his former companions over to the authorities.

An improbable meeting, an impossible coincidence, especially for the magistrate assigned to the case, who endeavors to extract a confession of premeditated murder from the suspect.

Based on a novel brimming with tension, Erri De Luca reconstructs the exchange between a young judge and a defendant, an elder “from the most judicially persecuted generation in the history of Italy”. Yet, the interrogation gradually morphs into a dialogue, unfolding a rich reflection on commitment, justice, friendship, and betrayal.

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Teatro Cucinelli

© 2024 Fondazione Brunello e Federica Cucinelli

© 2024 Fondazione Brunello e Federica Cucinelli