Iliad, The Game of the Gods

Tuesday 21th and Wednesday 22th January 2025, 21.00 pm

freely inspired by Homer's Iliad

text Francesco Niccolini

dramaturgy Roberto Aldorasi,

Alessio Boni, Francesco Niccolini

and Marcello Prayer

with Alessio Boni and Antonella Attili

and with (in o. a.) Haroun Fall, Jun Ichikawa, Liliana Massari, Francesco Meoni, Elena Nico, Marcello Prayer

set Massimo Troncanetti

costumes Francesco Esposito

design lighting Davide Scognamiglio

music Francesco Forni

set creatures and props Alberto Favretto, Marta Montevecchi, Raquel Silva

direction Roberto Aldorasi, Alessio Boni, Marcello Prayer

production Nuovo Teatro

directed by Marco Balsamo

coproduction Fondazione Teatro Donizetti di Bergamo, Fondazione Teatro della Toscana, Teatro Stabile

del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Il Quadrivio, formed by Aldorasi, Boni, Niccolini and Prayer, re-write and adaptIliad for the stage, as a glimpse in the mirror of the most ancient myths in western poetry, and the war of all wars.

The Iliad sings of a world in which the ethics of success leave no room for justice and men decide nothing; instead, they are pawns of the gods in a drawn-out war, devoid of victory or defeat.

In this archaic world dominated by force, inescapable Fate and the fickle gods, it is not difficult to hold a mirror up to and recognise our own: our lives dominated by fear, desire for

richness, obsession with the enemy and the destructive forces that plunge us into the irrational, making war possible.

All the seeds of our civilisation’s sunset are there

The Iliad, true to all great poetry, also contains the opposite: responsibility, the freedom to choose and say no to the horror”.

R. Aldorasi, A. Boni, M. Prayer

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